Zetesis project: call for applications for research grants - 2024
The Fondazione Accademia Vivarium novum ETS, within the scope of its activities in the calendar year 2024, thanks to generous co-funding approved by the Fondazione Roma, is offering 12 (twelve) research scholarships for promising young graduate or doctoral students, enabling the Academy to make a significant contribution to the international advancement of studies in the humanities.
The topics considered are related to the following areas:
- Classical language teaching and its history;
- Historical humanism, its development, fundamental themes;
- The historical relations between different civilisations;
- The literary, philosophical and historical production in Latin in antiquity and the modern age (15th-19th centuries);
- Converging themes of the so-called 'two cultures': sciences and humanities;
- Contemporary issues and universal humanistic thought aimed at deepening humanistic disciplines.
Please read the following accurate descriptions of each area.
Candidate requirements
- PhDs or holders of an equivalent qualification obtained abroad or holders of a second-level degree or a degree awarded in accordance with the system prior to the entry into force of Ministerial Decree 509/99 or holders of an equivalent qualification obtained abroad may apply, provided that they have a scholarly-professional curriculum suitable for carrying out the research activity.
- Applicants must not be over the age limit of thirty-five.
- An adequate and sound knowledge of classical languages (Greek and Latin) is required.
- Fellows are expected to share the Academy's aims and codes of conduct, as set out in the Statute and specific regulations.
- This notice is published on the Accademia Vivarium novum website, on the Fondazione Roma page and on those of the universities and research centres collaborating with the project.
Evaluation of research projects
The grants are awarded after comparative evaluation of the applications.
To carry out the comparative evaluation, the President of the Academy, after deliberation by the Governing Board, will appoint a commission composed of professors belonging to the Academy, who, according to the topics presented, will be advised by professors belonging to the Departments of the Universities collaborating with the project, including at least two tenured with strong qualifications in the scholarly area in which the research activities of the scholarship holder will be carried out.
The scores to be allocated to the individual evaluation criteria will be predetermined by the Commission.
For the purposes of drawing up the rankings, the research projects submitted by the applicants will be evaluated with the following elements in mind:
- relevance and originality;
- the contribution that research could make to scholarly reflection and the advancement of the status quaestionis, also considered from an interdisciplinary perspective;
- the methodological approach to be adopted;
- the reference bibliography;
- the candidates' academic qualifications and scholarly publications;
- the documented research activity carried out by candidates in public and private entities with employment contracts, scholarships or in another capacity;
- any interview, if deemed necessary by the selection commission.
Formalisation of the relationship
- Having acquired the necessary documents related to the comparative evaluation procedure and in accordance with them, the President of the Academy will proceed to award the grants by signing the relevant contracts.
- The contract governing collaboration for research activities does not give rise to any rights to an employment relationship of any kind with the Academy, nor with the Fondazione Roma, nor with the University.
The grants are valid for one calendar year from January 2024.
Research activities
The fellow's activity must be continuous or at least temporally defined; it must be coordinated with the overall activity of the Academy and closely linked to the realisation of the research project or of a phase of it, while being carried out autonomously without predetermined working hours.
While research has its individual component, it should also have a collegial aspect that translates into attendance at seminars and meetings attended by all fellows, for the consolidation of results, the development of a common, homogeneous line of investigation and the promotion of a team spirit among researchers.
Prohibition of cumulation and incompatibility. Obligations of the grant holder.
Scholarships may not be cumulated with other scholarships awarded for any reason whatsoever, except those awarded by national or foreign institutions for supplementing the research activity of the scholarship holders by means of stays abroad.
Holding this research grant is not compatible with participation in a degree course, master's degree, PhD or specialisation course and entails, for the entire duration of the research grant, that the employee be placed on unpaid leave.
Outcomes of activities
The award of the research grant corresponds to the following activities, which are considered an integral and indispensable part of the work required of the recipient:
- Conducting lectures and seminars for the benefit of students and teachers of the Academy or other invited scholars.
- Planning of and participation in conferences on the topics under study with a focus on methodological and content findings that are innovative.
- Publication of theses that have received, after hearing the opinion of their advisors, the "dignity of printing" requirement from the aforementioned Commission.
The realisation of the three points listed above does not entail any expense for the Fondazione Roma and will be entirely borne by the Accademia Vivarium novum.
Amount of grants
The gross amount of each annual research grant (12 months) is EUR 24,510, 00 (IRPEF rate 3947,50).
The grants will be paid in four monthly instalments in arrears.
Submission of applications and required documents
The application must be received in digital format at the e-mail address ricerca@vivariumnovum.net by the deadline of 15 December 2023. An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent. The application must be accompanied by the following documents, also in digital format:
- Copy of identity document, with attached self-certification form (downloadable from the website).
- Curriculum vitae et studiorum.
- Copy of the master's degree certificate, complete with the marks awarded in the individual examinations, and doctoral certificate if applicable. For foreigners, copy of the certificate of equivalent qualification.
- Digital copy of the dissertation, possibly doctoral dissertation and other publications (maximum 5).
- Research project (Abstract: max 1500 characters. Text: max 20,000 characters excluding bibliography).
- Motivational letter.
- The candidate may also submit any other qualifications or documents (including letters or certificates from scholars under whose guidance he or she works or has worked) that serve to better justify the reasons for taking part in the competition.
- Consent to the processing of personal data, according to the form downloadable on the site.
Awarding the research grant
The Selection Committee, after examining the qualifications submitted, reserves the right to request an interview with the candidates. The outcome of the selection, made according to the irrevocable judgement of the Commission, will be announced on 30 December 2023. Scholarship holders will be required to follow the activities planned for them starting from January 2024, to submit a report on the research and training activities at the end of June 2024 and a final report and thesis containing the results of the research by December of the same year, unless a request for an extension is made with justified reasons. The date of completion of the research work may be agreed upon in consultation with the Directorate of Studies. The Directorate reserves the right to interrupt the awarding of the scholarship and not to issue the relative certificate in the event of serious non-compliance on the part of the scholarship holder.