Accademia Vivarium novum

L’Accademia Vivarium novum a Frascati è un centro internazionale di studi umanistici che si ispira alle scuole del Rinascimento, con l’intento di influire positivamente sull’educazione dei giovani e sulla società. Attraverso rinnovati metodi d’insegnamento in ambito umanistico, artistico e scientifico, gli studenti dell'Accademia, provenienti da tutto il mondo, ottengono una solida formazione volta a corroborare i valori dell'humanitas e della dignità dell'uomo.

Grazie al sostegno del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca e al Ministero dei Beni culturali, l’Accademia ha sede nella Villa Falconieri, gioiello borrominiano dei Castelli romani, dove ogni anno accoglie circa cinquanta borsisti per un programma residenziale, e dove ospita convegni, conferenze, spettacoli musicali e teatrali, mostre d'arte e attività culturali aperte gratuitamente a ogni pubblico.

Oltre alla Scuola internazionale d’alti studi umanistici, l’Accademia promuove la ricerca scientifica in collaborazione con atenei italiani ed esteri, e gestisce il Centro per la rinascita delle arti figurative “Poikile”, il Centro studi sulla natura, l’umano e l’unità del pensiero e il Centro studi per la storia dei rapporti fra l'Europa e le altre civiltà.

Accademia Vivarium novum

The Academy Vivarium Novum, located in Frascati, just outside Rome, is an international study centre inspired by the teaching methodologies of Renaissance schools, where students from all over the world are provided with a solid preparation in the humanities, arts and sciences, and are formed in the values of dignity and humanitas.

Thanks to the support of the Ministry of University and Research and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, the Academy is based in the magnificent Villa Falconieri, long ascribed to the genius of Borromini, where fifty students from every continent are welcomed each year for a residential program, and where conferences, lectures, concerts, theatrical performances, art exhibitions and cultural activities are organized for the wider public, completely free of charge.

In addition to the International School of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, the Academy promotes scientific research in collaboration with Italian and foreign universities, and runs the Center for the Renaissance of the Visual Arts "Poikile", the Centre for the Study of Nature, Humanity and the Unity of Thought, and the Study Centre for the History of Intercultural Relations.

Annus academicus

Schola studiis humanitatis provehendis.


Scholae aestivae linguae Latinae et Graecae et scholae artis pingendi.


scholae retiales linguae Latinae et Graecae.

Saturday, February 15, 2025
The Academy Vivarium novum is offering ten full-tuition scholarships for high school students (16-18 years old) and twenty-eight full-tuition scholarships for University students (18-24 years old) of any part of the world. The scholarships will cover all of the costs of room, board in male dorms, teaching and didactic materials for courses to be held from October 2025 until June 2026 on the grounds of the Academy’s campus at Villa Falconieri (Frascati - Rome).
Monday, March 03, 2025
Firmitas, utilitas, venustas: for the rebirth of a humane architecture Frascati and Monte Porzio Catone, April 26-28 2024 "Firmitas, utilitas, venustas: for the rebirth of human architecture" is the title of the international conference to be held from next Friday, 26 April, to Sunday 28, in Fr...
Monday, March 03, 2025
Euroclassica annual conference At Vivarium novum Academy, Frascati/Rome, 25-28 August 2024 Euroclassica and Vivarium novum Academy are proud to invite their members and friends to participate in the annual conference of Euroclassica, that will be held in Frascati on 25-28 August 2024....