Call for applications for research grants with IISF - 2024
The Academy Vivarium novum, in cooperation with the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies, announces a competition for two research grants, amounting to 12,000 euros gross each, for young graduates and PhDs in philosophical, historical, literary, artistic and scientific disciplines, to carry out further research:
The two thematic research grants are aimed at:
1. 'Southern Humanism', named after Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli:
Candidates will have to present a research path (historical, philosophical, literary, or philological) concerning the characteristics of Humanism in Latin in southern Italy, between the Aragonese domination and the first Viceroyalty (15th-16th centuries), in the light of the copious historiographical acquisitions produced in recent decades and to which Professor Pugliese Carratelli has made a tremendous contribution.
2. 'The Humanistic Tradition in Vico and Gravina', dedicated to Aniello Montano:
These research projects will have to deal with the characteristics of the classical humanistic tradition traceable in the work of G.B. Vico and G.V. Gravina, particularly in the Latin writings of both, emphasising how much they embraced this inheritance in their thought and how much they innovated on it by responding to the needs of the era in which they lived and acted, thus contributing to that 'living sense of progress' that is 'conservation and innovation in one' (B. Croce).
Requirements for admission to the competition
Applicants must have obtained a master's degree or an equivalent qualification from an Italian or foreign university. Excluded are those who, between 1 January and 31 December 2024, will be holders of scholarships and research grants, PhD students with a funding grant, those who carry out regularly paid research activities or paid activities incompatible with the obligations set out in the call for applications.
Submission of applications and required documents
The application for admission (downloadable from the site) must be received in digital format at the e-mail addresses iisf.borsediricerca@gmail.com and candidati@vivariumnovum.net by the deadline of 10 December 2023. The application must be accompanied by the following documents, also in digital format:
- Copy of identity document, with attached self-certification form (downloadable from the website).
- Curriculum studiorum.
- Copy of the master's degree certificate, complete with the marks awarded in the individual examinations, and doctoral certificate if applicable. For foreigners, a copy of the certificate of equivalent qualification.
- Digital copy of the dissertation, possibly doctoral dissertation and other publications (maximum 5).
- Research project of philosophical relevance (Abstract: max 1500 characters. Text: max 20,000 characters excluding bibliography).
- The candidate may also submit any other qualifications or documents (including letters or certificates from scholars under whose guidance the candidate works or has worked) that serve to better justify the reasons for taking part in the competition.
- Consent to the processing of personal data, according to the form downloadable on the site.
Awarding the research grant
The Executive Board, after examining the qualifications submitted, reserves the right to request an interview with the candidates or to delegate an examining board for this purpose. The outcome of the selection, which is made according to the irrevocable judgement of the Board of Directors or the selection board, will be announced on 22 December 2023. The amount of the scholarship will be paid in one or more instalments at the Academy's discretion. Fellows will be required to follow the activities planned for them from January 2024, to submit a report on research and training activities at the end of June 2024 and a final report by December of the same year. The date of the conclusion of the research work may be agreed with the Executive Board or the selection board. The Governing Board reserves the right to discontinue the awarding of the grant and not to issue the relevant certificate in the event of serious misconduct on the part of the scholarship holder.
Frascati, 24 November 2023