Summer courses – Application Form

Corsi estivi – scheda d’iscrizione

  • Latin (part 1):

    For absolute beginners. Online course.
    Duration: 4 weeks; 2 hours in class every day and an additional hour with a tutor.
    Furthermore, independent daily work of at least 3 hours is recommended.
    Credits: 75 class hours and at least 50 hours of private study; 125 total hours. (5 ECTS)
    Timetable: June 23 to July 19, 2025, from Monday to Saturday,
    LL1-A1: from 11:30 to 13:30 in Europe (CEST),
    LL1-A2: from 19:00 to 21:00 in Europe (CEST).
    Price: 800€
    Click here to read the program

    San Francisco (-7) New York (-4) Rome (+2) Moscow (+3) Beijing (+8) Sidney (+10)
    LL1-A102:30 - 04:3005:30 - 07:3011:30 - 13:3012:30 - 14:3017:30 - 19:30 19:30 - 21:30
    LL1-A210:00 - 12:00 13:00 - 15:00 19:00 - 21:0020:00 - 22:0001:00+1 - 03:00+103:00+1 - 05:00+1

    Latino (parte 1):

    Per principianti. Corso online.
    Durata: 4 settimane; 2 ore in classe e un'ora con un tutore ogni giorno.
    È previsto uno studio personale di almeno 3 ore al giorno.
    Crediti: 75 ore di lezione e almeno 50 ore di studio privato; totale: 125 ore. (5 ECTS)
    Orari: dal 23 giugno al 19 luglio 2025, dal lunedì al sabato,
    LL1-A1: dalle 11:30 alle 13:30 in Europa (CEST),
    LL1-A2: dalle 19:00 alle 21:00 in Europa (CEST).
    Costo: 800€
    Maggiori informazioni e programmi didattici

    San Francisco (-7) New York (-4) Roma (+2) Mosca (+3) Pechino (+8) Sidney (+10)
    LL1-A102:30 - 04:3005:30 - 07:3011:30 - 13:3012:30 - 14:3017:30 - 19:30 19:30 - 21:30
    LL1-A210:00 - 12:00 13:00 - 15:00 19:00 - 21:0020:00 - 22:0001:00+1 - 03:00+103:00+1 - 05:00+1
  • Latin (part 2):

    For beginners who have already attended part 1.

    • online: 4 weeks; 2 hours in class every day and an additional hour with a tutor.
      Furthermore, independent daily work of at least 3 hours is recommended.
    • on-campus: 2 weeks of full immersion with 4 hours in class every day and
      two additional hour with a tutor.

    Credits: 75 class hours and at least 50 hours of private study; 125 total hours. (5 ECTS)

    • online:
      Group LL2-A3: July 21 to August 16, 2025, from Monday to Saturday from 11:30 to 13:30 in Europe (CEST),
      Group LL2-A4: July 21 to August 16, 2025, from Monday to Saturday from 19:00 to 21:00 in Europe (CEST),
    • on-campus:
      Group LL2-A5: August 4 to August 16, 2025 (see daily schedule below).

      Price: online: 800€. on-campus: 1500€.
      Click here to read the program

    San Francisco (-7) New York (-4) Rome (+2) Moscow (+3) Beijing (+8) Sidney (+10)
    LL2-A302:30 - 04:3005:30 - 07:3011:30 - 13:3012:30 - 14:3017:30 - 19:30 19:30 - 21:30
    LL2-A410:00 - 12:00 13:00 - 15:00 19:00 - 21:0020:00 - 22:0001:00+1 - 03:00+103:00+1 - 05:00+1

    Latino (parte 2):

    Per principianti dopo la prima parte del corso.

    • online: 4 settimane; 2 ore in classe e un'ora con un tutore ogni giorno.
      È previsto uno studio personale di almeno 3 ore al giorno.
    • in presenza: 2 settimane di immersione totale; 4 ore in classe e 2 ore con un tutore ogni giorno.

    Crediti: 75 ore di lezione e almeno 50 ore di studio privato; totale: 125 ore. (5 ECTS)

    • online:
      Classe LL2-A3: dal 21 luglio al 16 agosto 2025, dal lunedì al sabato dalle 11:30 alle 13:30 in Europa (CEST),
      Classe LL2-A4: dal 21 luglio al 16 agosto 2025, dal lunedì al sabato dalle 19:00 alle 21:00 in Europa (CEST).
    • in presenza:
      Classe LL2-A5: dal 4 agosto al 16 agosto 2025 (vedi qui sotto gli orari giornalieri).

      Prezzo: online: 800€. in presenza: 1500€.
      Maggiori informazioni e programmi didattici

    San Francisco (-7) New York (-4) Roma (+2) Mosca (+3) Pechino (+8) Sidney (+10)
    LL2-A302:30 - 04:3005:30 - 07:3011:30 - 13:3012:30 - 14:3017:30 - 19:30 19:30 - 21:30
    LL2-A410:00 - 12:00 13:00 - 15:00 19:00 - 21:0020:00 - 22:0001:00+1 - 03:00+103:00+1 - 05:00+1
  • Greek (part 1):

    For beginners. (Good alphabet knowledge is required). Online course.
    Duration: 4 weeks; 2 hours in class every day and an additional hour with a tutor.
    Furthermore, independent daily work of at least 3 hours is recommended.
    Credits: 75 class hours and at least 50 hours of private study; 125 total hours. (5 ECTS)
    Timetable: June 23 to July 19, 2025, from Monday to Saturday from 16:30 to 18:30 in Europe (CEST).
    Price: 800€
    Click here to read the program

    San Francisco (-7) New York (-4) Rome (+2) Moscow (+3) Beijing (+8) Sidney (+10)
    07:30 - 09:30 10:30 - 12:30 16:30 - 18:3017:30 - 19:3022:30 - 00:30+100:30+1 - 02:30+1

    Greco (parte 1):

    Per principianti. (È necessario conoscere già bene l'alfabeto). Corso online.
    Durata: 4 settimane; 2 ore in classe e un'ora con un tutore ogni giorno.
    È previsto uno studio personale di almeno 3 ore al giorno.
    Crediti: 75 ore di lezione e almeno 50 ore di studio privato; totale: 125 ore. (5 ECTS)
    Orari: dal 23 giugno al 19 luglio 2025, dal lunedì al sabato dalle 16:30 alle 18:30 in Europa (CEST).
    Costo: 800€
    Maggiori informazioni e programmi didattici

    San Francisco (-7) New York (-4) Roma (+2) Mosca (+3) Pechino (+8) Sidney (+10)
    07:30 - 09:30 10:30 - 12:30 16:30 - 18:3017:30 - 19:3022:30 - 00:30+100:30+1 - 02:30+1
  • Greek (part 2):

    For intermediate students.

    • online: 4 weeks; 2 hours in class every day and an additional hour with a tutor.
      Furthermore, independent daily work of at least 3 hours is recommended.
    • on-campus: 2 weeks of full immersion with 4 hours in class every day and
      two additional hour with a tutor.

    Credits: 75 class hours and at least 50 hours of private study; 125 total hours. (5 ECTS)

    • online: Group LG2-A7, July 21 to August 16, 2025, from Monday to Saturday
      from 16:30 to 18:30 in Europe (CEST).
    • on-campus: Group LG2-A8, July 21 to August 2, 2025 (see daily schedule below).

    Price: online: 800€. on-campus: 1500€.
    Click here to read the program

    San Francisco (-7) New York (-4) Rome (+2) Moscow (+3) Beijing (+8) Sidney (+10)
    LG2-A707:30 - 09:30 10:30 - 12:30 16:30 - 18:3017:30 - 19:3022:30 - 00:30+100:30+1 - 02:30+1

    Greco (parte 2):

    Per gli studenti di livello intermedio.

    • online: 4 settimane; 2 ore in classe e un'ora con un tutore ogni giorno.
      È previsto uno studio personale di almeno 3 ore al giorno.
    • in presenza: 2 settimane di immersione totale; 4 ore in classe e 2 ore con un tutore ogni giorno.

    Crediti: 75 ore di lezione e almeno 50 ore di studio privato; totale: 125 ore. (5 ECTS)

    • online: Classe LG2-A7, dal 21 luglio al 16 agosto 2025, dal lunedì al sabato
      dalle 16:30 alle 18:30 in Europa (CEST).
    • in presenza: Classe LG2-A8, dal 21 luglio al 2 agosto 2025 (vedi qui sotto gli orari giornalieri).

    Prezzo: online: 800€. in presenza: 1500€.
    Maggiori informazioni e programmi didattici

    San Francisco (-7) New York (-4) Roma (+2) Mosca (+3) Pechino (+8) Sidney (+10)
    LG2-A707:30 - 09:30 10:30 - 12:30 16:30 - 18:3017:30 - 19:3022:30 - 00:30+100:30+1 - 02:30+1
  • Latin literature:

    Online reading seminars of ancient and Renaissance authors with exercises
    in Latin composition, style, and the active use of the language.
    Duration: 4 weeks; 2 hours in class thrice every week.
    Furthermore, independent weekly work of at least 4 hours is recommended.
    Credits: 25 class hours and at least 15 hours of private study; 40 total hours. (1.5 ECTS)
    Timetable: every Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
    SL-A9: June 23 to July 19, 2025, from 16:30 to 18:30 in Europe (CEST),
    SL-A10: July 21 to August 16, 2025, from 19:00 to 21:00 in Europe (CEST).
    Price: 400€
    Click here to read the program

    San Francisco (-7) New York (-4) Rome (+2) Moscow (+3) Beijing (+8) Sidney (+10)
    SL-A9 07:30 - 09:30 10:30 - 12:30 16:30 - 18:3017:30 - 19:3022:30 - 00:30+1 00:30+1 - 02:30+1
    SL-A1010:00 - 12:00 13:00 - 15:00 19:00 - 21:0020:00 - 22:0001:00+1 - 03:00+103:00+1 - 05:00+1

    Latin literature:

    Seminari di lettura online d'autori antichi e rinascimentali con esercizi
    di composizione latina, stilistica, e d'uso attivo della lingua.
    Durata: 4 settimane; 2 ore di lezione 3 volte alla settimana.
    È previsto uno studio personale di almeno 4 ore a settimana.
    Crediti: 25 ore di lezione e almeno 15 ore di studio privato; totale: 40 ore. (1,5 ECTS)
    Orari: ogni lunedì, mercoledì e venerdì,
    SL-A9: dal 23 giugno al 19 luglio 2025, dalle 16:30 alle 18:30 in Europa (CEST),
    SL-A10: dal 21 luglio al 16 agosto 2025, dalle 19:00 alle 21:00 in Europa (CEST).
    Costo: 400€
    Maggiori informazioni e programmi didattici

    San Francisco (-7) New York (-4) Roma (+2) Mosca (+3) Pechino (+8) Sidney (+10)
    SL-A9 07:30 - 09:30 10:30 - 12:30 16:30 - 18:3017:30 - 19:3022:30 - 00:30+1 00:30+1 - 02:30+1
    SL-A1010:00 - 12:00 13:00 - 15:00 19:00 - 21:0020:00 - 22:0001:00+1 - 03:00+103:00+1 - 05:00+1
  • Otia Tusculana:

    Duration: one week; 4 one-and-a-half hour lessons every day, and at least one excursion
    to a point of interest within Rome or its vicinities.
    Credits: 35 class hours and at least 15 hours of private study; 50 total hours. (2 ECTS)
    Timetable: from June 30 to July 5, 2025 (see detailed schedule below).
    Price: 750€
    Click here to read the program

    Otia Tusculana:

    Durata: una settimana, 4 lezioni da un’ore e mezza al giorno e almeno un’escursione
    in un punto di interesse archeologico a Roma o nelle sue vicinanze.
    È previsto uno studio personale di almeno 4 ore a settimana.
    Crediti: 35 di lezioni e almeno 15 ore di studio personale; totale 50 ore. (2 ECTS)
    Orari: dal 30 giugno al 5 luglio 2025 (vedi qui sotto gli orari dettagliati)
    Costo: 750€
    Maggiori informazioni e programmi didattici

  • Hellenikai synousiai:

    Duration: one week; 4 one-and-a-half hour lessons every day, and at least one excursion
    to a point of interest within Rome or its vicinities.
    Credits: 35 class hours and at least 15 hours of private study; 50 total hours. (2 ECTS)
    Timetable: from July 7 to July 12, 2025 (see detailed schedule below).
    Price: 750€
    Click here to read the program

    Hellenikai synousiai:

    Durata: una settimana, 4 lezioni da un’ore e mezza al giorno e almeno un’escursione
    in un punto di interesse archeologico a Roma o nelle sue vicinanze.
    È previsto uno studio personale di almeno 4 ore a settimana.
    Crediti: 35 di lezioni e almeno 15 ore di studio personale; totale 50 ore. (2 ECTS)
    Orari: dal 7 al 12 luglio 2025 (vedi qui sotto gli orari dettagliati)
    Costo: 750€
    Maggiori informazioni e programmi didattici

1. Online courses

1.1. Costs and enrollment

In order to participate, students are required to fill out the application form. In the event of their acceptance, they are required to send in a 30% deposit of the total program fee in order to reserve their spot. All courses offerred are not for profit, as the Academy Vivarium novum is a non-profit organization. The participation cost covers:

  • Classes
  • Online didactic material

Students will pay for their own textbooks and purchase them in their own countries: only in the event that books aren't available for purchase in a certain region will the Academy ship them by express courier. In this case, only the cost of shipping will be charged to the student.

All proceeds from the summer courses will be used to fund scholarships granted to youths attending the Academy's courses for the academic year 2025-2026 at the Vivarium novum, and to support the necessary renovation works of the Villa Falconieri, where the Academy is housed.

The payment must be transferred exclusively in euros, by paypal or wire transfer.

To request admission one must fill out and submit the following application form.

1.2. Scholarships

In order to sustain those who have greater difficulties in paying the tuition fees, the Academy Vivarium novum will grant 25 scholarships for participation in the courses. No specific eligibility is required for applying.

We ask all interested parties to fill the following application form and send a presentation letter and a curriculum of previous studies along with an ID document to before April 13, 2025.

2. On-campus courses

2.1. Campus and timetable

The course will take place in the campus of the Accademia Vivarium novum in the city of Frascati, near to Rome. For the complete immersion in an environment where Latin and Greek are the only language spoken to be effective, it is necessary to reside on the campus grounds. The Academy consists of a large number of dormitories, lecture halls, study spaces, a library, a dining hall and a splendid garden.

Lessons will be held from Monday to Saturday, and last one or two weeks (depending on the module) with the following timetable:

Latin II and Greek II:
8.00: breakfast
9.00 – 11.00: first session
12.30 – 13.30: tutoring session
13.30: lunch
15.00 – 17.00: second session
19.30 – 21.00: tutoring session, didactical plays and curricular activities
21.00: dinner

Otia Tusculana and Hellenikai synousiai
9.00: breakfast
10.30 – 11.30: first session
12.30 – 13.30: second session
13.30: lunch
14:30 – 17.30: free time and other activities
17.30 – 19.00: third session
19.30 – 21.00: fourth session
21.00: dinner

Although students will have free time at their disposal, they need to realize from the outset that the courses are extremely demanding: they should not expect that they consist of some "vacation-studying" nor to only have to dedicate a small part of their time to the amount of work which the courses require. They must scrupulously observe the times indicated and homework assigned if they want to successfully reach the goal of language mastery. On Sunday there will be an excursion to an archeological site.

2.2. Modules:

All courses provide immersive teaching in Latin or Greek.

In addition to classes, in Greek 2 and Latin 2 modules, students will have access to a portal specially designed for each course with multimedia exercises and additional supplementary content. Teachers will have access to the results of students’ completed exercises in order to monitor their progress and help them to overcome any difficulties they might have.

Classes of about 25-35 students will take place in the campus of the Academy. Students will also have additional meetings with tutors in smaller groups of about 5-10 in which they will have the opportunity to complete additional exercises, practice conversation in Latin and Greek, and ask questions.

In the summer on-campus term, the Academy organizes these 4 modules:

  • Otia Tusculana: advanced level, 30 June – 5 July 2024
  • Hellenike synousia: advanced level, 7 – 12 July 2024
  • Greek 2: intermediate level, 21 July - 2 August 2024
  • Latin 2: intermediate level, 4 – 16 August 2024

For all other levels, please refer to the distance learning program.

Courses will be held only if a minimum of 20 students is reached.

2.3. Costs and enrollment

In order to participate, students are required to fill out the application form and send a 30% deposit of the total program fee. The participation cost covers lessons and full boarding and lodging. The all-inclusive cost of participation in each single module of two weeks is € 1,500; for the one-week modules (Otia Tusculana and Hellenike synousia), the cost is € 750; the payment must be transferred exclusively in euros, by credit card or wire transfer.

The Academy is a no-profit organisation: all proceeds will be used to fund scholarships granted to youths attending the Academy's courses for the academic year 2024-2025 at Vivarium Novum, and to support the necessary renovation works of the Villa Falconieri, where the Academy is housed.

To request admission one must fill out and submit the application form. Available seats are limited.

If any difficulties are encountered, please send an e-mail to:

To register for courses and reserve a spot, one must send the application form along with a non-refundable deposit of 30% of the total price no later than May 19th. Due to rising demand from people throughout the entire world, it is advisable to apply as soon as possible: the receipt of the first deposit is considered as the registration day. Please however wait the answer of our secretaries before you send the deposit: there are only few places available.

2.4. Scholarships

In order to sustain those who have greater difficulties in paying the tuition fees, the Academy Vivarium novum will grant 10 scholarships for participation in the courses. No specific eligibility is required for applying.

We ask all interested parties to fill the following application form and send a presentation letter and a curriculum of previous studies along with an ID document to before April 13, 2024.

3. Application form

You can apply to our summer course through this form. You will first receive an automatic email to confirm that your application has been received, then, within one week, a confirmation message from our secretaries.

Please make sure that you do receive an automatic email confirmation containing the details of your application, otherwise it probably means that your application has not gone through.

Personal details
Contact details
Academic information and motivation letter

Please describe your previous studies, your current school or faculty and write a short motivation letter.

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