1. Costs and enrollment
In order to participate, students are required to fill out the application form. In the event of
their acceptance, they are required to send in a 30% deposit of the total program fee in order to
reserve their spot. All courses offerred are not for profit, as the Academy Vivarium novum is a
non-profit organization. The participation cost covers:
- Classes
- Online didactic material
Students will pay for their own textbooks and purchase them in their own countries: only in the
event that books aren't available for purchase in a certain region will the Academy ship them by
express courier. In this case, only the cost of shipping will be charged to the student.
All proceeds from the summer courses will be used to fund scholarships granted to youths attending
the Academy's courses for the current academic year at the Vivarium novum, and to support the
necessary renovation works of the Villa Falconieri, where the Academy is housed.
The payment must be transferred exclusively in euros, by paypal or wire transfer.
To request admission one must fill out and submit the following application form.
2. Scholarships
In order to sustain those who have greater difficulties in paying the tuition fees, the Academy
Vivarium novum will grant 2 scholarships for participation in each online seminar. No specific
eligibility is required for applying.
We ask all interested parties to fill the following application form and
send a presentation letter and a curriculum of previous studies along with an ID document to
3. Application form
You can apply to our summer course through this form. You will first receive an automatic email to
confirm that your application has been received, then, within one week, a confirmation message
from our secretaries.