Announcement of Scholarships: NATURA NATURANS
School for Advanced Studies:
On nature and human condition: changes, questions and perspectives
Organized by the Centre for the study of nature, humanity and the unity of thought
and by Accademia Vivarium novum
The Academy Vivarium novum is offering forty full-tuition scholarships for the participation into the course "Natura naturans". The scholarships will cover the costs of lectures, workshops, seminars, related cultural activities, meals, and lodging for courses to be held from 27/10/2019 until 03/11/2019 on the grounds of the Academy's campus at Villa Falconieri (Frascati - Rome).
Scholarships are open to all currently BA, MA and Ph.D. students, high school senior students as well as to all school teachers and college professors. To apply, please complete this form (Centro - application form - 2019.docx - general-regulations 2019.pdf), and send the following documents to corsi@vivariumnovum.net: a statement of purpose, passport scan, recent photograph, and a detailed curriculum vitae which highlights previous and current studies. Applications must be received no later than 20 September 2019. Late applications may be considered until 4 October in extenuating circumstances.
All information about issues, professors and application process are available in the following page: