Videoconference of Carlo Ossola: “Le radici latine dell'Europa”

On Wednesday 8 May 2020, at 6 p.m. (GMT+2, Rome), Carlo Ossola (Collège de France and Accademia nazionale dei Lincei) will hold a video-conference in Italian on the latin roots of Europe.

The lecture will be delivered in italian, but a simultaneous translation into Latin will be provided.

This initiative is part of a series of free training meetings that our Academy, together with the “Liceo M. T. Cicerone − Frascati”, intends to offer to teachers who are facing this difficult moment for the school with courage and dedication. However, it remains open to anyone interested in the subject.

In order to make it easier to participants to engage in the discussion, the number of the places is limited. New members will be accepted until 4 p.m. on the day of the conference. Please note that registration requires approval, so you will have to wait until you receive a letter of confirmation.

You can access the meeting through the Zoom platform by filling in the form that you will find following this link: Iscrizione alla conferenza

For additional information and questions:

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